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Version: v2



(props: Props) => result: RenderFunc

Props: object

titleThe title of the OAuth componentNOstring-
labelThe label text of the OAuth componentNOstring-
descriptionThe description of the OAuth componentNOstring-
authorizeUrlUrl for requesting user authorization for the TokenNOstring-
requestTokenUrlUrl to get the unauthorized TokenNOstring-
clientIdThe client ID specified on the authorized provider accountNOstring-
clientSecretThe password corresponding to the specified client ID on the authorized provider's accountNOstring-
scopethe scope of the request being madeNOstring-
pkceProtect authorization code authorization. This is actually a cryptographic means of ensuring that a malicious third party canNOt exchange Access Token to the authentication server even if they intercept the Authorization Code or other key.NOboolean-
onAccessTokenA function that receives the accessToken and anything provided by OAuth (such as refresh tokens and expiration times)NOfunction-
onReturnA function that receives an oauthCodeNOfunction-