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Version: v3

Watch recorded opus audio file format conversion

Watch Recorded Opus Audio File Parameters

  • Sampling rate: 16000
  • Channel: 1
  • PCM encoding: 16-bit little endian sequence

Option 1: Node.js script

Refer to the following Node.js script.

// npm i opusscript wav
const OpusScript = require("opusscript");
const fs = require("node:fs");
const wav = require("wav");
function opus2wav(input, output, rate = 16000, channels = 1) {
const encoder = new OpusScript(rate, channels, OpusScript.Application.AUDIO);
const data = fs.readFileSync(input);
const out = [];
for (let pos = 0; pos < data.byteLength;) {
const len = data.readUint32BE(pos);
const payload = data.subarray(pos + 8, pos + 8 + len);
pos += 8 + len;
const pcm = Buffer.concat(out);
const writer = new wav.FileWriter(output, {
channels: channels,
sampleRate: rate,
bitDepth: 16

opus2wav("userContent.opus", "userContent.wav");

The wav library can be replaced with ffmpeg's WASM implementation to enable conversions to more formats such as wav, aac, mp3, etc.

Option 2: opus_demo and ffmpeg command line tools

The following tools are required

  1. Opus official demo library and tools

Refer to the readme document compile of the Opus official tool library to generate opus_demo tool.

  1. FFmpeg


  1. Convert Opus files to pcm raw format using opus_demo tool
# opus_demo -d <sampling rate (Hz)> <channels (1/2)> <input> <output>
./opus_demo -d 16000 1 userContent.opus userContent.pcm

Successful output


  1. Use ffmpeg to convert PCM files to WAV or other formats

Data format: s16le signed, integer, little endian

# ffmpeg -f <format> -ar <sampling rate> -ac <channels> -i <input> <output>
ffmpeg -f s16le -ar 16000 -ac 1 -i userContent.pcm userContent.wav

Successful output
