Watch recorded opus audio file format conversion
Watch Recorded Opus Audio File Parameters
- Sampling rate: 16000
- Channel: 1
- PCM encoding: 16-bit little endian sequence
Option 1: Node.js script
Refer to the following Node.js
// npm i opusscript wav
const OpusScript = require("opusscript");
const fs = require("node:fs");
const wav = require("wav");
function opus2wav(input, output, rate = 16000, channels = 1) {
const encoder = new OpusScript(rate, channels, OpusScript.Application.AUDIO);
const data = fs.readFileSync(input);
const out = [];
for (let pos = 0; pos < data.byteLength;) {
const len = data.readUint32BE(pos);
const payload = data.subarray(pos + 8, pos + 8 + len);
pos += 8 + len;
const pcm = Buffer.concat(out);
const writer = new wav.FileWriter(output, {
channels: channels,
sampleRate: rate,
bitDepth: 16
opus2wav("userContent.opus", "userContent.wav");
The wav
library can be replaced with ffmpeg's WASM implementation to enable conversions to more formats such as wav, aac, mp3, etc.
Option 2: opus_demo and ffmpeg command line tools
The following tools are required
- Opus official demo library and tools
Refer to the readme document compile of the Opus official tool library to generate opus_demo tool.
- FFmpeg
- Convert Opus files to pcm raw format using opus_demo tool
# opus_demo -d <sampling rate (Hz)> <channels (1/2)> <input> <output>
./opus_demo -d 16000 1 userContent.opus userContent.pcm
Successful output
- Use ffmpeg to convert PCM files to WAV or other formats
Data format: s16le signed, integer, little endian
# ffmpeg -f <format> -ar <sampling rate> -ac <channels> -i <input> <output>
ffmpeg -f s16le -ar 16000 -ac 1 -i userContent.pcm userContent.wav
Successful output