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Version: v3


Start from API_LEVEL 2.0 . Please refer to API_LEVEL.


This widget has been discontinued. It is recommended to replace it with the more powerful @zos/interaction createModal API


Dialog popup consists of a piece of text and two buttons. The popup box disappears when the buttons are clicked.

Create UI widget

import { createWidget, widget } from '@zos/ui'

const dialog = createWidget(widget.DIALOG, Param)


Param: object

textContents of dialog.YESstring
content_text_sizeThe text size of the dialog content.NOnumber
content_text_colorThe text color of the dialog content.NOnumber
content_bg_colorThe background color of the dialog content.NOnumber
content_text_align_hAlignment of dialog content text.(horizontal axis)NOstring
content_text_align_vAlignment of dialog content text.(vertical axis)NOstring
ok_textText on the confirmed button.NOstring
ok_text_colorThe color of the text on the confirmed button.NOnumber
ok_press_colorThe color when the confirmed button is pressed.NOnumber
ok_nomal_colorThe color when the confirmed button is normal.NOnumber
ok_press_srcBackground image when the confirmed button is pressed.NOstring
ok_nomal_srcBackground image when the confirmed button is normal.NOstring
cancel_textText on the canceled button.NOstring
cancel_text_colorThe color of the text on the canceled button.NOnumber
cancel_press_colorThe color when the canceled button is pressed.NOnumber
cancel_nomal_colorThe color when the canceled button is normal.NOnumber
cancel_press_srcBackground image when the canceled button is pressed.NOstring
cancel_nomal_srcBackground image when the canceled button is normal.NOstring
dialog_align_hThe horizontal axis of the dialog.NOnumber
dialog_align_vThe vertical axis of the dialog.NOnumber
ok_funcClick the callback of the confirmed button.NO(dialog: Dialog) => void
cancel_funcClick the callback of the canceled button.NO(dialog: Dialog) => void

Dialog: object

textThe content of dialog.string
... omittedRefer to dialog related properties in the setting field

prop Properties

PropertiesSupport get/setTypeNotes
prop.SHOWsetbooleandialog whether to display.

Code example

import { createWidget, widget, prop, align } from '@zos/ui'

build() {
const dialog = createWidget(widget.DIALOG, {
ok_text: 'OK',
cancel_text: 'CANCEL'
dialog.setProperty(prop.MORE, {
text: 'DIALOG',
content_text_size: 40,
content_bg_color: 0x000000,
content_text_color: 0xffffff,
dialog_align_h: align.CENTER_H,
content_text_align_h: align.CENTER_H,
content_text_align_v: align.CENTER_V,
ok_func: () => {
cancel_func: () => {
dialog.setProperty(prop.SHOW, true)